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Zoe Stukenberg PGY1 Resident OG/GYN

Zoe Stukenberg, MD

  • About Me

    If I weren’t an OB/GYN….

    I'd be a high school PE teacher. Every Friday would be kickball Friday! 


    Medical Areas of Interest

    Reproductive justice, comprehensive sex education, general OB/GYN and medical education.


    Interests & Hobbies

    I am still finding my Utah hobbies (there are so many to choose from), but currently I am loving hiking and biking. I can't wait to learn to ski this winter! I love to cook (the spicier the better) and am always looking for the next best hidden gem restaurant around town. No bio of mine would be complete without mentioning my love for Peloton - currently hooked on Callie's bootcamps.


    Why Utah?

    I feel so lucky to get to join such a wonderful group of powerful, passionate, and fun folks! A few of the things that drew me to Utah are the culture of teamwork and support as well as a commitment to fighting for equity. After my interview, I was fully convinced that Utah was the place where I would get excellent training in an environment where I can grow as both a person and provider. Not to mention, Salt Lake City is a pretty incredible place to get to live. 


    Baltimore, MD