Our department is committed to improving women’s health through clinical care, education, and research, and our residents are integral to that mission. A dedicated curriculum has been developed to teach residents the fundamentals of clinical research so that they can independently interpret medical literature. This critical skill set equips our graduates to maintain evidence-based clinical practices as the field advances. Didactic topics include study design, statistics, bias and confounding, and rigor and reproducibility. Additionally, our senior residents work closely with faculty moderators to lead journal clubs, teaching junior residents how to appropriately apply findings from published studies to clinical practice.
In addition to didactic learning, all of our residents are expected to complete a resident-led clinical research project – with lots of support! Our department has a robust research infrastructure, and the resident research committee is comprised of faculty and staff who are dedicated to supporting residents in this endeavor. For trainees pursuing fellowship or academic faculty positions after residency, first-author research projects provide invaluable support for those applications. Regardless of post-residency career plans, completion of a clinical research project benefits all of our trainees by solidifying their understanding of the concepts of evidence-based medicine.
Contact Us

Natalie Moore

Tasha Marcus

Abby Watson, MD

Susan Dalton, MD