Home OB/GYN OB/GYN Grand Rounds OB/GYN Overview 2012 OBGYN Grand Rounds Close OB/GYN Grand Rounds Department of Grand Rounds Back to OB/GYN Grand Rounds Search Seminar Surgical Wound Management: An Evidence-based Update Seminar Management of Endometriosis: Current Guidelines and Trends Seminar Hormone replacement therapy: past & present Seminar Ethics in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Past, Present and Future Seminar Cosmetic Gynecology-An Intimate Look at Current Trends Seminar Neonatal Encephalopathy outcomes & prevention strategies Seminar What to do when your patient has a short cervix Seminar Cell-free fetal DNA:What is it good for? Seminar Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in the Developing World: One physician's journey Seminar Reducing elective deliveries before 39 weeks gestation in Utah: How are we doing & what is the impact? Seminar Antenatal testing Seminar Women's health care & politics Seminar Gynecologic cancer symposium - part 1 Seminar Gynecologic cancer symposium - part 2: Reducing the Risk for High-Risk Women: Medical and Psychosocial Issues or Beginning the Conversation Seminar Teratogen Exposures: Counseling & prevention of birth defects Seminar Surgical Site Infection Prevention: What we know and what we've made up Seminar Resident Research Day: Metformin and Progesterone Treatment of Endometrial Cancer Seminar Subclinical Hypothyroidism Seminar Obesity and Infertility Seminar Obesity & Cancer Seminar Operative Vaginal Deliveries in 2012 Seminar How can OB/GYN be Gender Informed? And Other Hot Topics in Sex and Gender Medicine Seminar Drug Abuse in Pregnancy Seminar Making babies: Life passage or life crisis? Seminar Preventions and Diagnosis of Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy: Incorporating the New ACCP 9 Guidelines Seminar The inherited epigenome & the acquisition of totipotency Seminar Late Preterm Birth Seminar Management of female defecatory dysfunction: Does a bulge matter? Seminar An Intervention to Manage Difficult IUD Insertions Seminar Venous thrombosis & embolism(VTE) in pregnancy Seminar Insights from the Women's Midlife Assessment Clinic Seminar Placenta Accreta: The Surgical Management Seminar Sexual Dysfunction After Childbirth Seminar Lactation & contraception: the agony & ecstasy Seminar Stress in pregnancy Seminar Hormone replacement in women with surgical menopause: A review of the evidence Seminar Sleep Disorders in Pregnancy Seminar Pain Management in the Perioperative Patient: Minimizing Postoperative Pain Seminar An Update on the Management of Fibroids Seminar Don't try this at home? An update on out-of-hospital birth Seminar Autoimmune Disease in pregnancy Grand Rounds Archive 2025 Grand Rounds 2024 Grand Rounds 2023 Grand Rounds 2022 Grand Rounds 2021 Grand Rounds 2020 Grand Rounds 2019 Grand Rounds 2018 Grand Rounds 2017 Grand Rounds 2016 Grand Rounds 2015 Grand Rounds 2014 Grand Rounds 2013 Grand Rounds 2012 Grand Rounds 2011 Grand Rounds 2010 Grand Rounds 2009 Grand Rounds